Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Side effects, schmide effects it's been since mid-July since I last posted. Not a lot has happened, which is a good thing I guess! In fact, at my last oncologist visit in September they called me "medically boring." Well, I've been trying to change that. Nothing major, but I've developed a hematoma. Sounds worse than it is. But on my left side, I have a lump. No no no! Not THAT kind of lump. But a swelling, is that a better word? Turns out at some point, probably in PT, a vessel was torn. Apparently that's not uncommon after a surgery like mine and radiation. The radiation makes everything pretty fragile for awhile. So the vessel tore and clotted off and my body is breaking the clot down. To do that tho, it makes it all swell up. I've had it drained twice now, and < GORE ALERT > they use a turkey baster-type syringe and it's all old blood that comes out. Ewww. It's pretty gross. I could let it go and eventually my body would reabsorb it all, but it hurts. So, since it came back after the first draining within days, and the doc thinks it'll fill back up again, the next step is to put in a little drain put in that will stay in for awhile. Not as big as the drains after my surgery, but a little one that would stay in awhile. I'm not thrilled about that, but if that's what it takes to make this go away and feel better than that's what I'll do. It restricts my range of motion on my left so I can't stretch as well, which is making everything tight again and hurty, and it's very uncomfortable sleeping. To prevent lymphedema, my PT has me wearing my compression sleeve and glove every day. She doesn't want any of the fluid from the hematoma going in my arm. I don't know if it can do that, but I'm a cooperative sort of gal and try to follow directions so I'm wearing the dang thing. It's a hot look. The glove is a half-glove so I've got sort of an early-Madonna thing going on. I should bedazzle the thing, add some lace....

But other than a handful of side-effects, I am doing great. Besides, what's a few side-effects right? I'll take it. Mostly I'm still pretty tired. I have a weird nerve twinge off and on in one of my toes. This hematoma-thingy. Some memory issues -- especially related to appointments so I have to write everything down! Some aches and pains... ironically the med I take to strengthen my bones also causes bone pain. My vertigo is a little worse--if I turn my head sometimes it makes me woozy-- which is a side-effect of the Femara, the estrogen suppressant I take (which also causes hot flashes!). And Bruce and I went on a hike a few weeks ago that painfully highlighted my lack of stamina. But like I said, I'll take it. Sure as hell beats the alternative. Plus many of my female friends, of a certain age such as myself, report many of the same issues! So who knows what is disease-related, treatment-related, or just plain age-related!!

I have another month til my PET scan. I admit I'm rather nervous about the whole thing but really trying to focus on the moment and do what I can to promote my health and mental well-being. Setting boundaries is a major goal these days so I don't get overwhelmed or over-extended. It's hard to say no, but sort of liberating too. I don't have to be involved in everything and the sun still comes up the next day! Go figure! So keep me in your prayers, keep sending those positive thoughts, and I'll let you know how things go next month.

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