Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Music to my ears....

Did you hear that? It was me exhaling a HUGE sigh of relief. Whew.......

Last week when I saw the rads doc for the consultation, I filled out new paperwork yet again. Angina? No. Diabetes? No. High Blood Pressure? No. And so the list goes on. No, no, no, just this f'ing cancer. I get to the neuro section and I did check dizziness because post-surgery I was having some dizziness and figured I better mark it. By the second week it had already improved but being the good, honest patient that I am, I checked it. Of course all my life I've gotten dizzy sometimes when I get up too fast...runs in my family, but this was that, plus a little more. Two new meds and not eating probably played a role also.

Anyway, the rads doc saw that and it sent up a red flag for him. Since I was having some dizziness, and the cancer managed to spread to my spine while I was on chemo, he wanted a brain scan. What???? He reassured me he didn't think anything was going on, but we needed to check to just make sure all was well. The PET scan only shows eyes to knees. Well my history with scans these last few months has totally sucked so I was not at all excited about a friggin' brain scan. But he consulted with my oncologist and he agreed I should get one done. So they scheduled it for the following Tuesday, which was yesterday. Only Bruce knew, I didn't want to alarm anyone. Surprisingly I managed to keep my anxiety pretty much in check, but still a very stressful few days. But today, one day after the scan, the rads doc comes in to check my measurements while I'm lying on the rads table and says "And oh, your brain scan was normal." Sweeter words have never been spoken! Well, at least not recently! Such a relief. But I'm on the danged rads table being measured and filmed and can't move to celebrate. But I did manage a smile and a happy tear or two! Others might have thought he was a little abrupt but I was happy that he cut to the chase and just threw it out big preamble. So yayyyyy! My brain is NORMAL!!!  I am just a headache-prone and dizzy chick with poor balance and crappy memory. Yay for me! I'll take it :)


  1. Well, I wouldn't say your brain is "normal" but at least its healthy. ;-)

    YAY! You silly woman, I would have been helpful with the brain scan! I have had a lot of those. Glad you are safe in the brain.

  2. Hey he SAID it was NORMAL....but he didn't claim to say it was very functional! I know you are a brain scan expert...I wasn't nervous about the scan per se, I've had my share recently too, but the results!! Even though in my heart I felt my brain was just fine, you just never know what those folks are gonna find! What I don't know is if my brain looks like a kitty like your's does. I didn't actually see the scan.
