Sunday, February 5, 2012

Round One, Day 1

So I am still trying to get caught up with the blog thing...forgive me for not operating in real time yet! But I'm close! Last Thursday we finally got this party started (yes, I'm quoting Pink. I admit it. I like Pink. Every time I say that I hear her singing in my head and it makes me smile. Oh the little things..... ;) Anyway, I digress. So we got it kicked off, finally! The infusion wasn't bad at all; it rarely is as long as you're not allergic to anything (FLASHBACK: I was alllergic to one of my meds last time and it was not fun...friends who were visiting me at the time can attest to that). And actually, the weekend hasn't been too bad. That's not to say I am feeling great. But certainly better than the last time around. This time, I am getting Gemzar and Carbo. Those are shortened names for some 87-syllable long compounds, but we're all friends here so we use nicknames. The Gemzar is quick, like 30 minutes to infuse. It's crazy. The Carbo takes an hour. So all told after they check my blood for everything, hook me up, give me saline and some prep meds, the whole infusion takes about 3 hours. That is lightening fast in the chemo world. On day 8 of each round, I go back in and get the Gemzar again for a whopping one hour infusion. So it's 6 rounds, but really 12 infusions. That's okay. I'd go every day if they told me. The Gemzar will let me keep my hair, or at least most of it. They say it will thin but anyone who doesn't know me won't have a clue. So that's pretty cool. I don't care about losing the hair (well maybe I do a little) but it's more the sad puppy eyes I get from people who see me. I also work with small children and their parents who come to me in an already somewhat vulnerable state....I don't need them freaking out more because of the bald lady. Last time I wore a wig for all my work appointments, but man those things are sooooo uncomfortable. Since my doses are spread out, I won't need the Neulasta that I had last time. Neulasta is a miracle drug and kept my blood counts up and my immune system strong. Love it. But hate it causes a LOT of bone pain and that also with the muscle and joint pain from the Taxotere last time, I was a much more miserable puppy than I am now. This time I've had some nausea, headaches, bad tummy, and SUPER tired. They said that is one of the major side effects of this regimen: fatigue. I think I've slept 12-15 hours a day this weekend, plus some naps ha ha! But sadly friends, my taste for coffee has already started to go. Woe is me. Starbucks is my lifeline and now, well, it tastes kind of oogy. Well that's pretty much it for this weekend. Thanks so much to the friends who have sent me messages, or brought me comforts, treats, meals, or just stopped by for a visit. You all rock and I would be lost without you and my family. My husband is my champion and goes everywhere with me and my daughters fill me with love. And I can't forget the puppies and PennyCat!


  1. Pam, I am so glad you started this blog. It is a good way to keep all of us who care about you informed on what's going on, without sending massive emails.

    Please know you are in my thoughts daily!

  2. You're such a beast! I'm glad it's all off to a good start :)
