Tuesday, February 7, 2012

When do I get to wake up?

Not to be too maudlin, but I was thinking recently about the fine line between being okay, and not being okay. How one day you're fine and the next day you're not. How even one moment makes a difference. It could be anything, illness, accident, trauma, ... anything. It got me thinking about our families too, the ones we see at work. They come in with a little one who they think is bright and funny and maybe a little quirky and leave with a child with autism. Or maybe they've come because their child hasn't quite mastered reading, and they leave with a child with a learning disability. The power of that moment to change the course of someone's life and dreams has always driven my practice but nothing hits it home quite like getting a diagnosis yourself. It makes me think about how we go through our lives each day, assuming the next day will be like the one before. We have our routines and our expectations for what each day will bring. We have to I guess, the unpredictability of all the options that could befall us on any one day is overwhelming. Like a bad dream where things just keep going wrong. Which begs the simple fix....when do I get to wake up from this one?

1 comment:

  1. You are so right, girl!! Nothing like being a patient onself to have increased empathy for all those we in the healthcare professions treat...I think that was one of the hardest things for me....I remember telling my spinal cord patients that "You are the same person on the inside that you were before you got hurt. Those who loved you before your injury will still love you now." The words kind of came back to haunt me after a mastectomy and hair loss. Never thought I'd be the patient.
