Saturday, February 18, 2012

Oy my aching head

Hi there. Sorry it's been awhile since my last post. Today is the first day in 2 weeks I haven't had to pound some advil or tylenol to try and alleviate a chronic headache I've been having since treatment started. Advil took the edge off, sort of, but it never really went away. I did find a miracle tho, Excedrine Migraine. Wow...who needs Red Bull when this stuff is around. I made a mistake the first night taking it around 8pm. It's acetaminophen, aspirin, and 65 mg of caffeine. That night, I couldn't fall asleep but I didn't headache was gone and in my heightened state of alertness I solved all the world's problems!!! Too bad I can't remember any of my awesome solutions. Yesterday I tried just some extra-strenght Tylenol and it did nothing for the headache so the caffeine must be the secret ingredient! Good stuff. But, best taken in the morning, not the evening!

So this week I felt pretty punky til around Wednesday-Thursday which was depressing because I was hoping I would rebound faster. We are switching my nausea meds to something different so at my next dose, I'll see if it works better. The nausea and the chronic headache have been the biggies. Other side effects have been changes in how things taste, some rashy spots, a mouth sore or two, a little tummy trouble here and there, some vision fluctuations, fatigue, chronic cold symptoms, and a brief round of neuropathy. Or at least I think that's what it was. After my first dose, I noticed my typing was really bad and when I would unscrew lids they'd fly to the floor and I was dropping little things like pens and such. Weird. Neuropathy causes changes in the sensations of your extremities. Although my fingers didn't actually feel any different, I sure was dropping everything there for awhile! Thankfully that seems better now, or maybe I've just accommodated! The one side effect I really liked last time hasn't set in yet. Last time, my skin really cleared up and I am looking forward to that again! What's weird is I can already see where the tumor is shrinking. Kind of gratifying to see changes.

This was an "off" week so no infusion on Thursday. I have to say I've been enjoying my weekend! While I still don't feel 100% I at least feel functional and able to do things and get out and about! We gave the puppies baths today and took them on their first walk today. Both of those are really short activities with Dachshunds!! Nothing like bathing or walking a labrador!

My next infusion day is Thursday Feb 23....see you then :)

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