Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Finally. Surgery time! I have wanted this thing off since January so I am eager to see it go. They call it the "primary source of disease" but I call it the mothership. Once the mothership is gone, I can really focus in on the remaining areas of disease and direct ALL my energies to those spots. So this is just a short blog to let you all know surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. I have had what I consider 2 good omens on this. First when I called on Friday to get on  the surgical schedule they said they didn't have an opening til June 2 and my stomach about fell to the floor. I can't wait that long. So, I asked the scheduler if it was possible there was anything sooner and she looked again and found May 17, which was the very next time the surgeon was operating. Apparently it wasn't a day she was originally supposed to be working so the scheduler didn't look at it at first. But she is doing surgery that day and could add me in. So it was set for 12:30. Today they called and asked if I could come in earlier and have the surgery at 8am. So it's only 4 1/2 hours sooner, but still feels like a good omen to me. Wish me luck and healing tomorrow and I'll be back to writing when I can.

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