Sunday, May 13, 2012

More fighting to come

Well, I might as well get this out there. I had a PET scan and an MRI last Monday and met with the doctor on Thursday for results. Unfortunately, not the good news we'd hoped for. The breast showed a little change. The liver also showed a little change, which confirms it is wayward breast cancer. But a new spot on my spine showed up. Very disheartening to think it could still spread while I was on chemo and I am very disappointed with how the chemo went. To feel like crap for 3 1/2 months with very little change, well I am sure you can imagine. So the next step is still the surgery to get the mothership, as I like to call it, finally off my body. Then, they'll work on the spot on my spine. They'll give me a bone strengthener and radiation. It's 95% effective so that's encouraging. My liver will have to wait a little longer and we're not sure what to do about that. They may have to try and manage it more medically as I may not be a candidate for radiation if they irradiate my back I guess. I don't know. It's all very confusing and discouraging. But I am really trying hard to keep focused on my wellness and I am exploring other additional things I can do to support the traditional treatment. Since chemo didn't work so hot for me this time, I feel like it can't hurt to try other things! I have already been doing Reiki since this started and my Reiki therapist has been an angel with her support and resources. She suggested I try turmeric and green tea extract so after reading up on both, those are now part of my daily regimen. I've been doing a lot of guided meditation focused on healing. I am also looking at other things I can do to take charge of my treatment and my body. So I've got more of a fight ahead of me than I was hoping for but I have amazing family and friends and a tremendous circle of support that humbles me every day. So one step at a time, we'll move forward. Please don't dwell in dark places when you think of me, think positively about my wellness. The energy from positive thinking and prayer is so powerful, but dark thinking can be just as impactful so let's all focus on wellness!


  1. Thinking wellness and a speedy recovery for you Pam. You are a strong woman, that I know for sure! Jenny

  2. You have every positive vibe two cats and a girl can send! I love you so very much, you will kick this in the ass. You are a descendent of Super Heroes, remember?

    Whatever you need, whenever you need it, I am all yours.

  3. Definately thinking good thoughts with lots of sunshine and non-alcoholic beverages on the patio :-). Keeping you and your family in my prayers!!!!

  4. Oh - that was me - Betsy O. (alias aleart45!)

  5. Pamela Ruth Parker-Martin, I have tears rolling down my face as I read here, knowing this is not the news you were expecting. But the other thing that is making me cry with such emotion is the outpouring of love and support you have from so many sources. In the more than 30 years I have known you, I have seen you rise to the occasion of a tough challenge, and win. (Graduate school, early married life, TMJ, parents' issues...) As a wise person once said, "This too, shall pass."

    You know you have a large and supportive network of people to lean on when being strong is just too hard this minute, this day, this procedure. We are here for you.

    with love -

