Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bring on the rads!

Hi. I am doing much better this week post surgery!! I was kind of surprised how hard that first week was. I've had surgery before, but this was more than I was expecting. My doctor warned me, but I thought oh that won't be me....I'll be fine in a day or two. Wrongo! I think some of it was mood-based and I've read that anesthesia can trigger some depression...but I felt hit by a really big, really mean truck and didn't like it at all. Oh well, much better this week!

We saw my surgeon yesterday for my post-op visit and despite how lousy I felt last week, she said I am healing "remarkably" well and she's very pleased with my healing. My incisions look great (well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all) and no concerns. She said my drains were close to being ready to come out (yay!) and that I was ready for radiation (double yay!). As of today, I've reached the criteria for getting the drains out so will do that tomorrow (triple yay!). As for my "remarkable" healing, I have to attribute that to some extent at least to all the meditating and focusing on healing I have been doing, my reiki, and all the positive thoughts, prayers and energy being sent to me by my family and friends. It truly is amazing to be the recipient of so much love and caring and it's making a difference.

Today, we saw the radiation oncologist. A different guy than I saw last time. The guy last time was good, but I just wasn't feeling it again to go back to him so I am seeing the one at Skyridge instead. He's a huge bald man who rides a red and white scooter to work. How can that not inspire confidence?? He wants to do 7 weeks and be aggressive which is fine by me. The typical course of radiation is 6-7 weeks. My oncologist said we'd do 4-5 weeks. But the radiation guy knows best on this so if wants to zap me for 7 weeks I am all for it. Since I've had radiation to the breast before, there are some possible risks, but nothing we can't handle. They can avoid the area of the previous tumor to some degree but they actually want to zap that again too. But the skin there is thinned and damaged from the radiation before so can become more damaged with more radiation.Worst case scenario I would develop an ulcer or sore there that wouldn't heal and I'd need a skin graft. Okay, not great, but it's not going to cause more cancer so I can handle it.  They'll zap my spine at the same time and that will take just 10 visits so 2 weeks. So when can I start?? Tuesday! What about measurements and the simulation?? We can do that today! Yay! So off we went to the CT scan but dagnabbit I couldn't get my left arm up over my head for them to do the measurements. So that is my mission....get that arm up and over my head by Monday so we can do the measurements then and start the radiation on Wednesday. They did the measurements for the spine and they'll start treatment for that on Monday. I go again on Friday for "films" for my spine...whatever that is. It all got a little confusing as she was planning out my schedule. On Wednesdays, they have complimentary 30 minute massages paid for by the hospital by therapists with oncology background. No openings til June 20 but I'll be taking advantage of that for sure too. I knew there was a reason to stay at Skyridge!

The radiation oncologist also talked a little about what to do about my liver. He had three options which was nice to hear and we talked a little about each one. Not sure which one will be best for me, maybe one where they send in little radioactive beads that infiltrate the liver. So we'll see. Just nice to know there are options!

The only negative from today is that the radiation guy is thinking maybe I need a brain scan just to be sure nothing is going on up there. Now I hear the snickering, and many of you think nothing's been going on up there for quite some time...ha ha....but since I am prone to headaches, am having some dizziness (which I think is related to my surgery and barely eating for 10 days), and that it did go to my spine even while on chemo he's thinking we should check that out. So we'll see...he was going to check with my oncologist. I don't have any glaring symptoms and I know it's better to see what's there than not, but the stress and anxiety when I get these scans is pretty unbearable and I was just starting to feel better!

That's all for now. I am happy to be starting radiation soon!

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